Lame Hue Tit Thigh



I have often wondered about the future of lives yeah?
We are alive. Yes, For a time I are talking about our lives.
I have altered this, now from the future.
It is said, that this happened long ago, but this bird flu not till now.

Taking forms and shape and color and ideas and any given moment inspired by an object's image thing given new purpose. Speaking of thingdom, and again it's speaking and/or augmented thingdom, brought into endless instance of this - these things are granted.

Spreadable image colors are as wood is but buildable and furniture is, but buildable parts as anyone one thing is anything beyond itself or in the least, spreadable color.

What has just been manufactured outside of nature? Much more is than that which is not - beyond air and sky and earth miles beneath us and miles above, excluding concept miles anywhere and the words that mean that - beyond those who live in an area or purposefully seek moments and environments in which they are not surrounded by the manufactured, and excluding the is beyond our what is - that is that that we have no context of. Excluding manufactured contributions being all things made as in by us and is raw and is product and of nature and now is spreadable color...

... Do not grant the word laws authority ...

I plan to finish leaving only concept, pouring from heads to soil and river, as the manufactured due to its lack of is-ness. All else is natural as it has established is-ness. Then now, I present, the frail Is trembling under this mass of Idea.


Peter has been locked in a basement:
The architectless redistribution remains glacially untouched.

hug the hate limit
Email the thug hit
Lame Hue Tight Hit
Lame Tie Thigh Hut
High Amulet He Tit

Excluding teenage girl me's locker door plastered NKOTB and M.S. paint.


efefefeffected. Internet poetry.