photo credit: JAWZ
so this is what I'm thinking. for this future psciencefictionpsycedelic tipple nipple ripple.
(A) story - place take full of cake in a neofuturistic sinvironment. the rules
of the masters of the universal law
universe should be pretty pretty pinkish. oh, so not to work
the narrative into any old cobweebled corners.
i guess-guess what? for directional similarities you could make a closet
and fill it with holy clothes or robes.
connection of the worlds. ours and the other ours.
the main protagonist is an assassin/mercenary/gopher golden shower
for various variables. [he was never to be seen again - ed.]
organizations and mega-conglomerates and corporate output modules.
------------------------------------------------ things are
bleak ---------------------------------------------------
-----------. ------------ to keep the government supplied air out
------------ this "pharmaceutical air" keeps the general population
sedated. ------------------------------- Fontleroy, either first or
things ---- ------ -- ---------:
mutated toxic waste behemoths
apocalyptic military regimes
massive ship crashes (like speed 2 where that boat crashes for like 30
minutes, unreal.)
-------- navigation of megacities
Kool Keithish/Doctor Octagonal
so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah,
so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah,
so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah,
so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah, so yeah,
so yeah, i don't know what you think. I was thinking this could be
sort of an ongoing book until it's finished and then maybe hand bound
hardcover or some zine shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit.
shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit.
shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit.
shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit.
shit. shit. shit. shit. shit. I've got a sketchbook i've been working in on above around.
and we could just hand it back and forth until we populate this
universe with some elaborate world weaving.
I'm also not opposed to handing it off to other people and having them
make little one-shot type vignettes that fit in somewhere in the
fictional world. this would also open an option of overlapping
characters and fresh storylines. fresh storylinez? WTF!?!
storylines and characters
i gotta throw some light now. you around this weekend?
I hear what you speak, and am filled with pleasing sensations...
I hear what you speak
I hear what you speak
I hear what you speak
I hear what you speak
I hear what you speak
I am presently at the Cafetto's coffee hole utilizing the "wi-fi," ya'
know what I speak?
know what I speak?
know what I speak?
know what I speak?
know what I speak?
I will be in MPLS from this moment until sometime mid-next week. This
should give ample time for you and I to converge and start this epic
adventure off...
until sometime mid-next week.
until sometime mid-next week.
until sometime mid-next week.
until sometime mid-next week.
until sometime mid-next week.
I forsee cheap beer and a nug or two in our near future...
a nug or two in our near
a nug or two in our near
a nug or two in our near
a nug or two in our near
a nug or two in our near
I do not have your #, so hit me up...
free of obligations at I'm free of the day... and night.
free most hours
free most hours
free most hours
free most hours
xxx. xxx. xxxx.
how does sunday afternoon or monday late afternoon sound for cervezas
y mota verde? que? mesa agua, amigo.
I have your number and will give you a call. before then if i hear nothing.
wird is bond.
and for future reference...
whats yo digits?
church it up then.
*this information has been chapped chopped fucked and screwed. KTHNXBAI! -Tubs